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Professional Advancement & Community Engagement (PACE)

The PACE Committee is responsible for increasing members’ awareness of the benefits, goals and activities of CREW’s global organization, CREW Network. The Committee is tasked with student outreach, mentoring, Network fundraising and networking with other CREW chapters. The CREW Atlanta PACE Committee’s UCREW program, focused on student outreach, has been recognized both locally and nationally as innovative and impactful. Committee members may be asked to serve on a Network Committee or special task force within CREW Network. Members of the Committee are encouraged to attend CREW Network Regional Conferences and Global Convention. The PACE Committee is chaired by one of two CREW Atlanta Delegates, who represent CREW Atlanta by attending all CREW Network Regional Conferences and Global Convention, and by corresponding with CREW members in other Chapters to maintain high-visibility for CREW Atlanta on a global level. PACE also encompasses CREWHype, which is a young professionals initiative, and CREW Careers, which is a high school student initiative. CREW Atlanta’s Chapter Champions are Subcommittee Leaders under the PACE Committee.  They are responsible for educating our membership on all CREW Network Foundation initiatives plus reaching the Chapter Challenge.


Meghann E. Clark

AVI Systems

Meghan Wrigley Mascarenhas

Holder Construction Company

Board Liaison

Jen Reves

IA Interior Architects