Leadership Committee
The Leadership Committee is responsible for organizing and orchestrating a bi-annual Leadership CREW class comprised of approximately 15-30 CREW members. The mission of Leadership CREW is to provide an opportunity for the members of CREW Atlanta to examine the issues affecting their roles and advancement in organizations and to shape strategies for their development as individuals, professionals and leaders. The program runs for one year and entails class members participating in monthly whole day leadership classes featuring dynamic speakers who are considered to be leaders. The Leadership Committee establishes a new Leadership CREW class every other year, allowing one year in between each class for planning the program. The Leadership Committee is also tasked with planning and hosting Leadership alumnae gatherings throughout the year to foster a deeper connection among the Leadership alumnae and to provide additional networking and leadership opportunities. You must be a CREW Atlanta Leadership alumnus or alumna to participate on this committee.
Board Liaison
Cristina Dowd Anderson
Anderson Public Relations